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Lisa Grunwald is the author of the novels The Evolution of Annabel Craig, Time After Time, The Irresistible Henry HouseWhatever Makes You Happy, New Year’s Eve, The Theory of Everything, and Summer. Along with her husband, former Reuters Editor-in-Chief Stephen J. Adler, she edited the anthologies The Marriage Book, Women’s Letters, and Letters of the Century. Grunwald is an occasional essayist and runs a side hustle called ProcrastinationArts, where she sells the other things she makes with pencils and paper. She lives in New York City.

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When the Pandemic Ends, I Worry I’ll Be Left Behind

Published April 9, 2021 in The Atlantic

“The Art of Being Apart”

Published in the April 26, 2015 Modern Love column of the New York Times

“Lisa Grunwald’s True Colors”

Published in the April 21, 2010 edition of the New York Times